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Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/442

Autores: Salgado, Clécio Camargo da Silva
Palavras Chave: Personal characteristics of employees. Organizations Conflicts.People management.
Data: 13-Jun-2023
Resumo: The companies work through their employees, in which there are people and thus there are divergent opinions, which are not always simply overcome. In this sense, the topic of this article was the management of people to solve organizational conflicts. The objective of the general understanding of conflict management strategies that can be applied within an organization. Specifically, it proposed to understanding the relationship between people management and organizational conflicts, seeking to determine roles; in addition to conceptualize conflict, with intervention strategies. Through literature review found himself as a result of the understanding that people management has the potential to prepare and develop negotiation skills with the leaders and managers enabling them to manage in a better way conflicts. It is also understood that the conflicts are involved the personal views of the parties, which requires the negotiators strategies to finding the most appropriate solution. As most appropriate solution was identified integrative mediation. It was concluded that organizations need to be aware of the different points within your environment, and this is done by leaders and managers should therefore be able to intervene in conflict situations to prevent damage.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/442
Aparece nas Colecções:Engenharia de Produção

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